Somehow it dawned on me that,
that-i have to cease to be faithful
no more happiness; no more love;
it disappears
within a second-
but i still hover
still hover in the rain-
rain cures me
from pain, from excruciation
but, i know
i am subjected to guilty
failure, such a failure-
such a failure- it absolutely a
i am guilty
trapped in the love prison
recall the past with pangs in the heart
O! i am lost-
i feel the wind-
of thy love
soundlessly, foundle my face gently
disobedient tears-
exude from the moist eyes
get rid of this abhorrent circumstances
hie hie hie!-
youth is full of pleasure
treasure it
don't lose thy way
bright future
in our hand-
love thyself
do abhor wild behaviors
hie thee! get rid of your own world-
find thy happiness
pursue thy dream
thou wilt never know-
how realistic is the world
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